23rd Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SCCM23)

June 18–23, 2023 | Sheraton Grand Chicago | Chicago, Illinois

College Park, MD – The 23rd Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SCCM23) will be held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago, 301 East North Water Street, Chicago, IL June 18–23, 2023.

Attend scientific sessions discussing world-wide efforts in exploring fundamental science and applications of matter at extreme conditions including:

  • Shock-induced materials behavior, plasticity, phase transitions, & chemical reactions
  • High strain rate phenomena
  • Properties of energetic materials & detonation phenomena
  • Properties of matter in the warm dense regime
  • New computational methods

Over the past two decades, the number of researchers and institutions conducting dynamic compression research has grown substantially. Numerous user facilities have been developed over the last decade (e.g., the Matter at Extreme Conditions (MEC) end station at LCLS, the Dynamic Compression Sector (DCS) at the APS) with other major HED facilities undergoing substantial upgrades or coming online (the Z machine at Sandia, the NIF at LLNL). Looking to the future, new dynamic compression facilities are underdevelopment (the Scientific Instrument HED at European XFEL) or refurbishment (the MEC upgrade).

In recognition of this evolving experimental environment, this conference will host three new technical areas:

  • Emerging high-pressure user facilities throughout the world
  • Emerging experimental techniques utilizing advanced light sources
  • High-Pressure Static Compression Research

Conference Co-Chairs

Dayne Fratanduono, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Suhithi Peiris, Battelle Memorial Institute
Malcolm McMahon, University of Edinburgh

For questions please email SCCM2023@LLNL.gov


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About APS & GSCCM 

The American Physical Society (APS) is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance the knowledge of physics. 

The APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (GSCCM) was founded in 1984 to promote the development and exchange of information on the dynamic high-pressure properties of materials. The Topical Group sponsors biennial technical meetings on shock compression and detonation physics research, including experimental, theoretical and computational studies, and new experimental methods and developments. 

APS Headquarters: 1 Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3844 | (301) 209-3200 

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