Photomechanics iDICs Conference in Nantes, France
November 3–5, 2021
Conference update: COVID-19
Dear authors, participants, sponsors & vendors,
As you all know, the COVID-19 crisis is dramatic with a worldwide impact. For the moment, and probably for several months more, air traffic is close to zero and it will take a long time before going back to normal conditions.
Based on that, the PM iDICs 2020 conference chairs proposed to postpone the 2020 edition for one year. This proposal has been validated by our partners from iDICs and PhotoMecanics committees. As a consequence, the PM iDICs 2020 in Nantes will take place Wednesday, November 3rd to Friday, November 5th, 2021.
International conference on full-field measurement techniques and their applications in experimental solid mechanics
The chairs of PhotoMechanics – iDICs 2021 would like to welcome you to Nantes, in November 2021. This 7th PhotoMechanics – iDICs conference follows on the series of highly successful PhotoMechanics conferences held in 2018 (Toulouse, France), 2015 (Delft, Netherlands), 2013 (Montpellier, France), 2011 (Brussels, Belgium), 2008 (Loughborough, UK) and 2006 (Clermont-Ferrand, France), and IDICs conferences held in 2019 (Portland, US), 2018 (Hangzhou, CHN), 2017 (Barcelona, ES) and 2016 (Philadelphia, US).
Organized by Ecole Centrale Nantes, the conference will be held in Nantes (France) in November 2021, from Wednesday 3rd to Friday 5th, at La Cité Nantes Events Center, within 5 minutes walking distance of hotels, restaurants and cultural activities.
Main purpose: full-field measurement techniques and their impact on the mechanical characterization of materials and structures. Join the conference and propose a contribution as an oral presentation or a poster among these topics:
• Surface & volumetric measurements
• Thermography
• High & ultra-high speed
• In-situ & small scale measurements
• Uncertainty quantification
• Algorithms & Computational techniques
• Identification & Inverses methods
• Educational uses for full field measurements, Standardization & Best Practices
The purpose of the PhotoMechanics – iDICs 2021 conference is to provide an international forum for academics and practitioners to promote the new possibilities offered by full-field measurement techniques and to discuss their impact on the mechanical characterization of materials and structures.
Organizing committee: Julien Réthoré, Seghir Rian, Michel Coret, Anne-Laure Fauchille, Marc François.
We hope that this 7th edition will gather the participants over these last decades in order to celebrate together the vitality of our community!
phone: +33 (0)2 47 27 33 30
Photos: © Patrick Messina & Franck Tomps (Le Voyage à Nantes).
About iDICs
The International Digital Image Correlation Society (iDICs) was founded in 2015 as a nonprofit scientific and educational organization committed to training and educating users of digital image correlation (DIC) systems. iDICs develops and offers world-recognized DIC training certification to improve industry practice of DIC for general applications while also emphasizing research and establishing standards for DIC measurement techniques.
Learn more about DIC solutions & high-speed imaging:
Contact a Hadland Imaging representative to learn more and visit our page on DIC Solutions (digital image correlation) for more information about testing machines, high-speed cameras & everything you need to get the job done right.
Keywords: Photomechanics, iDICs, 2021 conference, digital image correlation, DIC, Nantes, France